Imagine having friends or family over for the holidays. Then someone goes to use the toilet only to find it won’t flush. Or someone goes to rinse off plates, but the water backs up without going anywhere. The worst part is, many plumbers will also be with their families, so finding help may take the time you don’t have to spare.
No one wants to be caught without a working sink or toilet. Make sure your guests follow the tips below to stop most plumbing issues that could happen during the holidays.
1. Save Cans for Cooking Grease
Some people pour cooking grease down their kitchen sink’s drain. They may not cook much, but we appreciate their effort! Just in case you don’t know the problem with pouring grease down your drain, the problem lies in the future. Grease is liquid when hot, but solidifies in your pipes when it cools down. Then the solid grease builds up and causes clogs. Avoid these clogs by pouring your grease into cans then throwing them away.
2. Avoid the Garbage Disposal
It is okay to eat dessert once in a while, not all the time. Same idea applies to your garbage disposal. With overuse, it doesn’t run as well as it used to run. You can wear down your blades in your disposal if someone puts the wrong food item down the drain. Avoid putting bones, coffee grounds, or pasta down the drain. It is easier just to have your guests avoid using the disposal altogether.
3. Protect Your Pipes with Insulation
Just like it is easier to stay warm by putting a jacket on before going out into the cold, it is easier trying to keep your pipes protected than trying to safely thaw them out. Make sure to insulate your pipes to keep them protected this winter. Insulating sleeves can help them stay warm and useful despite dropping temperatures. A frozen pipe can explode, leading to water damage and all sorts of additional issues.
4. Have Professionals Install Your Leak-Detection System
Go right to the source to solve problems. Professional plumbers can install leak monitors on the main water line for your home. This preventative step will help keep your home protected by hosting an event or out of town for a few days.
Choose a Professional Leak-Detector to Prevent Holiday Plumbing Problems
The holidays are a great time to spend with the ones you love, especially after such a tough year. Don’t ruin the event with plumbing issues. Prevent most problems by following our steps above. It is also a good preventative step to have a professional plumber, like those at Orlando Leak Detection, inspect and maintain your home’s system.